Save Image to Buffer

Images can be saved from ImagXpress® to a memory buffer:

  1. Set the SaveToBuffer property to specify that image data should be set to a memory buffer.
  2. Set the file format type with the SaveFileType property.
  3. Call the SaveFile method.
  4. Get the handle to the compressed image from the SaveBufferHandle property and do any processing/storing of that compressed image.
  5. Call the DeleteSaveBuffer method to free the memory that holds the compressed image. 
C++ Example
Copy Code
// This code demonstrates how to save an image to a memory buffer
ImagXpress1.SaveToBuffer = True;
ImagXpress1.SaveFileType = FT_JPEG;
ImagXpress1.SaveFile( );
HGLOBAL hJpegImage = ImagXpress1.SaveBufferHandle;
// Do something with the image in memory 
ImagXpress1.DeleteSaveBuffer( );


See Also



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